
Sunday Is a Day of Rest

I'm a little sore from yesterday. I've done 3 miles before, but never on a cross country course. My feet hurt... mainly my arches.

I had already planned to take today off. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I sat around all morning watching bad Lifetime movies and reading articles on triathlons.

Tomorrow starts my 2 weeks of hardcore training. My goal is to get in 4 brick workouts during that time. The third week will be my taper into the race.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment... I think you are the first person that I don't know in person to read my blog!

I just finished my first triathlon in July (I did the Olympic distance because I am an idiot). I think I am going to do another Sept. 14th since I am already basically trained up and after that it will start to get cold.

Then I'm going to start training for my first marathon.

Are you excited about your first tri? You are going to feel great when you cross the finish line.

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